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Expectant Parents & Newborn Visits

When you’re expecting a baby soon, there’s so much to do. Your life is busy as you prepare for one of the most important events in your life. Just as you carefully make time for your prenatal visits with your obstetrician, it is just as important to make time to find a pediatrician who will be caring for your child prior to birth.

Expectant parents are encouraged to set up a pre-birth visit to a pediatrician by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians. A  visit gives both parents a chance to get to know the doctor and meet the staff, as well as learn about the philosophy of the practice. This is especially important in first pregnancies, high risk pregnancies, and in cases where a previous pregnancy has resulted in a death, although it is a good idea for all expectant families. Adoptive parents can benefit as well. You want to build trust and rapport with a pediatrician.

Dr. Fakih offers pre-birth visits at no charge. You can take a tour, talk with Dr. Fakih and her staff, and ask any questions you may have. The office does require new and expectant parents to schedule an appointment so Dr. Fakih and her staff can devote their full attention to you.

As you become acquainted with the pediatrician you have chosen, you will also have a chance to discuss any concerns you have about the pregnancy, the baby and your future as a parent. This will help you to feel more relaxed when the time comes to give birth. The time also gives the doctor and staff an opportunity to get to know you, to learn your medical and social history, support system, and to ask about your expectations and worries. They will also discuss several topics of great importance to you and your baby.

  • Newborn visits expectant parentsNewborn screening – These tests will be done in the hospital shortly after birth, looking for congenital problems such as an underactive thyroid, PKU, and checking the baby’s hearing.
  • Immunizations – The doctor will explain the importance and safety of vaccines and the schedule of injections and go over any worries you may have. Please visit our vaccinations page for more details.
  • Breast feeding – The emphasis on breast feeding has sound evidence behind it. Breast fed babies are generally healthier, since they get antibodies from their mothers’ milk that protect against disease. In addition, they are less likely to become overweight.
  • Safety – This discussion will cover how to use car seats and how to set the water temperature in the home. They will also talk about pets, guns,  and keeping the home smoke free.
  • Sleep – The baby should always be placed on his or her back when in the crib and the doctor will explain why. They will give you information on the best type of crib, where it should be located, and what items to keep away from the crib such as a blanket and pillow in early months.
  • Exposure to disease – Limiting the baby’s contact with other people and proper hand washing will be covered.

Once you’ve given birth, your pediatrician will want to see the baby within 1 to 2 days after delivery. That first visit will concentrate on how the baby is doing, feeding, sleeping, bowel movements, and any concerns you have. The doctor will be checking for jaundice and will do a thorough examination on the baby, looking for any problems, and then will discuss several topics with you.

  • Breast feeding – The doctor will recommend breast feeding with no other foods for the first 4 to 6 months.
  • Sleeping – Besides talking about back to bed position, your pediatrician will suggest how to develop sleep routines.
  • Safety – Smoking, car seats, and other ways to protect your child will be covered.
  • How you are doing – The doctor will want to know if you’re holding up well, whether you’re experiencing any depression symptoms, any frustrations, whether you have any help.
  • When to call the doctor – This is an important topic. There will be times when you’re worried that your baby might be sick. You will need to check the baby’s temperature rectally. The doctor or assistant can show you how. They will discuss symptoms that would be concerning and make sure you have the telephone numbers you need. The more information you have, the more confident you will be.

Becoming a new parent is an exciting but also stressful time. Dr. Fakih and her staff are here to help ease your worries and provide you with the best information. Do not hesitate to call the office if you’re worried. Dr. Fakih and her staff will always answer your questions courteously and treat your concerns seriously. They care about your baby’s health. Call today for an appointment for a complimentary pre-birth visit.


Dearborn Pediatric & Adolescent Medical Center

2547 Monroe St
Dearborn, MI 48124

Phone: (313) 791-8300
Fax: (313) 791-8302



Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM
By Appointment Only NO WALK-INS

